TV show Magic Nursery through the eyes of pre-school children

TV show Magic Nursery through the eyes of pre-school children


Get the feedback from pre-school children on the “Magic Nursery” show (Kouzelná školka) and on its moderators and find inspiration for further development to maintain its popularity among children and their parents.


Children are different than adults. And every child is different too – every year of age plays a big role. We considered that when the project was set up, giving the show authors many tips on how to keep different age groups of boys and girls interested. We used specific parts of the Magic Nursery show to trace what the children enjoy most and on the contrary, what makes them feel at a loss and bored. Thanks to homogeneous mini-groups and appropriate techniques, we learned how different the boys’ and girls´ views are already in the pre-school age and how the show could work with that. We also used the parents of the small respondents – they helped with the “homework”, evaluated the show in parallel groups and at the end of the discussion they even “competed” (and we found out what elements the children and adults recalled). The final report contained more than a dozen visually developed possible future themes.

The “Týýý Brďo project” assigned later by the same client also confirmed that it is possible to extract valuable inspiration even from very young children.

If you want to know more about research on TV programs, moderator tests or research with children, please contact Petra Víšková at +420 731 102 333, or by e-mail: