Usage & attitude studies


We use our own measuring tools:

Home Interviews

Come with us to look into the life of your customers, get to know the environment they live in and how your product is used in a concrete household. Together we will visit households of consumers, we will talk to them in their natural surroundings about how they choose brands in your category, what differences they see among various brands and how your brand or competing brand is actually used.

Try it and you will see that it’s an incredible source of ideas on how to talk about your brand or how to adjust your product to make it grow faster.

On-line communities

We will create a community of 20, 50, or even 100 customers, with whom we will work for several days to several months. Thanks to the fact that everything is online, respondents place photos and videos where they capture how your product is used at their home.

The fact that everything is online leads to more honest answers, so you will also find things that face-to-face research often fails to uncover. In addition, the distribution of research over a longer period of time allows for continuous debugging of new products or communication with the respondents.

Online U & A study

The online U&A study (Usage & Attitude) examines customer attitudes and behavior towards your brand. These studies measure how customers actually use your products (who uses them, what variants, how often, how long, how much, and why), and whether your brands are different from competitors in terms of both perception and use.

This will tell you how your customers evaluate your product or service and what you can improve to make them more satisfied.