Shopping behavior and decision making process


For buying behavior research and customer journey mapping, we use:

Assisted shopping

Assisted shopping combined with in-depth interviews are often used as initial research into buying behavior. It allows you to get insights into the decision making process in the category under review and helps map the “customer journey”, ie. how and where the initial selection of the brand is decided (before shopping vs. spontaneously during the shopping) and how the purchase itself is further influenced by the situation at the point of sale (the role of promotions, packaging, competition events).

Mobile Blitz

Mobile Blitz surveys over mobile phones allow you to get an instant response from the point of sale and to map out where and why the customer purchased the selected product. Thanks to the fact that we all have a mobile phone with us all the time, it is possible to quickly collect a lot of photos from the point of sale (shelf placement, promotional events that stimulated the purchase), and to get a great deal of information from a variety of locations across the country.

Quantitative shelf test

The quantitative shelf test allows you to measure the product preferences when placed on the shelf next to competitions and at different price levels. It answers questions such as “Is your product clearly recognizable on the shelf among competitors?” or “At what price will your product sell most?” Thanks to the on-line data collection on a large sample of customers, it can measure the response to several packaging or product sizes and it helps you choose the right price and product strategy.