Insight finding & activation


Finding a good insight is not easy. We do it this way:

Alive Dream groups

Alive Dream groups are our most popular tool for finding insights. Thanks to the fact that the moderator brings the respondents to the Alpha level (so-called “day dreaming”), we can look deeper into the soul of the consumer and often encounter feelings or needs in relation to the brand that would otherwise be kept secret.

For the sake of interest, people get to the Alpha level even several times a day (for example, in the shower or on the toilet when we have a fixed stare into the void distance) and often we encounter the best ideas in that state.

In-depth home interviews

Come with us to look into the life of your customers, get to know the environment they live in and how your product is used in a concrete household. Together we will visit households of consumers, we will talk to them in their natural surroundings about how they choose brands in your category, what differences they see among various brands and what they value on your brand in particular. And if you want, we can talk also to other members of their family. It often gives invaluable inspiration.

Mobile Blitz

Mobile Blitz research works in search for insights as a source of quick, yet authentic, consumer responses. Thanks to the fact that we all have a mobile phone with us all the time, it is possible to collect a lot of pictures from the lives of consumers and get a quick inspiration when searching for insights.

Insight activation

You have discovered many interesting findings in the research and you wonder how best you could “sell” them to your internal colleagues?

Then use our tailor-made “activation program”. We can do anything from a creative workshop where your colleagues will try out what it is like to be in your customer’s shoes or they will play a “casino” game and bet in advance on the research results, or even the more non-traditional types of SAFARI-related presentations, ie. observing the insights directly on the ground.